Palmwoods Pharmacy Open 6 Days Chemist Medicinal Cannabis MedsChecks Weekly Medicines Packs

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About Us

Palmwoods Pharmacy has been servicing the health and wellness needs of the Palmwoods community for over 80 years.  Owen purchased the pharmacy in 2014 and the store has recently undergone a facelift to from Capital Chemist Palmwoods to Palmwoods Pharmacy.

At Palmwoods Pharmacy you are guaranteed to always be able to speak to a pharmacist and the team deliver nothing short of exceptional customer service and healthcare advice.

We support the all of the local schools and charities with various fundraising events, and are proud to be a part of this local community.

Our Pharmacists

Pharmacist Intern






Our Team

Pharmacy Assistant


Pharmacy Assistant


Our pharmacists are ready for you to contact us for all your healthcare needs.  Contact us today for all enquiries.

(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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